Bicknell Brook after the rains

We had a night of hard rain twice in the last two weeks.  Each time I visited Bicknell Brook the next day.  The first time was in the afternoon, and I was fighting the sun from time to time. I stayed for about 90 minutes photographing both downstream and upstream from the road. The second time was early morning, the light was soft, the wind kept blowing mist onto my lens, and I stayed about 45 minutes, working only downstream.

The photo above is from the second visit.  Here is a similar one from a slightly different spot the first visit. Both were taken close to the bridge.

Heading upstream, I saw that someone had built a small rock “statue” on a boulder, likely done when the water was lower, as it had been most of late summer and fall.

Here is a collection of photos taken upstream of the road.


Here are photos downstream of the bridge from the first visit.


The collection of photos that follows is from downstream on the second visit. The last photo is of a side stream flowing into Bicknell.


You can learn more about this wonderful spot if you CLICK HERE. That page also has links to many more photo of my favorite NH brook.

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