Bridal Veil Falls in two seasons

The ice was spectacular at Bridal Veil Falls in Franconia, NH last Sunday. Believe it or not, the falls normally come down through the notch directly above the person’s head.

The temperature was great for hiking Sunday, and the snow was wonderful. We did not need snowshoes, only microspikes. We hiked along the Coppermine Brook, seen below.

Below are two photos taken from about the same spot on October 16, 2018 and last Sunday. You can easily identify some features that are the same in both photos.

The Bridal Veil Falls are reached by a fairly easy 5+ mile round trip hike. It is a gentle uphill getting to them and a gentle downhill coming back. It makes an excellent family hike.

If you would like to see more photos from these two trips, you can CLICK HERE.

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