First Day of Spring 2013

The day before the first day of spring we had a nice snowfall. Once our looong driveway got plowed, I made plans to travel all around the Upper Valley and photograph the new snow.  As I headed out the early sun was quite nice—I knew it wouldn’t last—and the snow was already being blown off the trees. Conditions were good here and now, so it took me an hour to get out of Metropolitan Downtown Etna.  Here are some of the photo I took in Etna yesterday within 2 miles from my home. The tracks in the field are ruffed grouse.

photocrati gallery

Eventually I made it to Norwich and Hartford, VT and down the  river a bit to Plainfield. The light went from sunny to cloudy and back again. It was a good morning—the real spring will be here soon.

photocrati gallery

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