Celebrate Snow

We had our first real snowstorm of the season last week. The forecast called for a few inches, but the weather system paid no attention to that. We had just short of two feet of snow in our yard when it was done.

The day before the storm, Jann and I had a nice walk in Pine Park in Hanover.

Hanover prepares well for storms, as you can see here the morning before the snow started on Wednesday night.

Thursday morning it was still snowing, but the blue jays, chickadee, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, and a gray squirrel did not seem to mind.


Then the sun came out bright that afternoon,  and we hiked in Etna.

Later that afternoon the sun was golden on the snow in our yard.

The grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter happened December 21, but since the forecast was for cloudy nights I did the best I could and photographed them approaching each other on December 18.  Saturn is near the top and Jupiter and its moons is below and to the right.

Our snowshoe hike on Greensboro Ridge on Saturday in Hanover started before 8 am with temperature at minus 11 F. We warmed up fast once we got going.

This is a beautiful spot, not far from downtown Hanover.  Here are a few photos I took during our hike up to the AT and back down in a loop.

The solstice day was foggy.  So I tried to take advantage of the very soft light.  I found two red barns not far apart, objects that many photographers seem to go wild over.

Then I saw a scene I really liked.  Nothing more than a bunch of vertical lines, but they spoke to me.

Today was a snowshoe hike on the Trescott Water Company Lands, a great spot in all seasons.  Most of where we hiked was well broken. Still, it was a tiring hike like the one a few days before.  It is sure easier to get dressed and to hike in the summer than the winter.  But this is all about Celebrating Snow.

Near the end of the hike I photographed more vertical lines.

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy this season.

Best Wishes from Jann and me.

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