I will be leading a photo walk in the King Bird Sanctuary at the Hayes Farm Park in Etna, NH, Wednesday May 24 at 3 PM. It is co-sponsored by the Hanover Conservancy, Hanover Historical Society, Howe Library, and Etna Library. It is free and open to the public, even if you just want to see this beautiful spot and not carry a camera. However, I will be available for anyone who wishes help with photography. Parking is next to the Hanover Town Library, aka the Etna Library, in downtown metropolitan Etna. There is also parking a short distance to the north behind the fire station.
If you are unfamiliar with this area you can read about it and see photos by clicking HERE. The photos are from five years ago shortly after the area was created. They show the birds who reside and pass through. This area is conserved and maintained by the Hanover Conservancy.
I did a walk-through of the area Saturday taking some photos of a few birds and the flowering trees. I photographed a warbler shown below that I could not identify.
So I asked good friend and true bird expert, George Clark. He says it is a Cape May Warbler, most likely a first year female.
I also got some photos of birds I could readily identify: Chestnut-sided Warbler, House Wren, Northern Cardinal, Common Yellowthroat, Cedar Waxwing, and Chipping Sparrow.
Please join me Wednesday rain or shine. In fact photography in the rain can be very rewarding if somewhat challenging. Either way it could be a nice learning experience, or maybe you will just see a new bird species.