Fox Kits

Thanks to a friend alerting me to the den on her property, I had a chance to spend a short time recently with four fox kits. I spent 35 minutes in the evening seeing all 4, and then 19 minutes the next morning when 2 were visible outside the den. Below is a  photo showing a kit standing near its den in the early morning dappled sunlight.


In the late afternoon visit the foxes were backlit. They playfully tussled…








…and wandered through the near-by ferns.


They knew I was there but did not seem to mind. One had interesting green eyes. I cannot explain these. The fox was backlit, and I certainly did not use flash.


Below a trio interacts.

And then three of them got into a fight.

Here is the above fight extended.

The sequence below shows changing expressions during one second.

Below we see a relaxed fox scratching.

Here are some of the other photos I took of the fox kits.



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