I traveled to Newbury, NH recently hoping to photograph Bohemian Waxwings. Dylan posted on the birds listserv that a flock of around 60-70 were in fruit trees near the train caboose.
I checked out the area around the caboose when I arrived and found no birds. So I walked 100 yards toward the harbor and found the flock near the old train station building which has been converted into restrooms.
The Bohemian Waxwings were feeding on Eastern Redcedar, a species of the Juniper genus.
Here are more photos of the Bohemian Waxwings feeding on the Redcedars that were only a few yards from the cars and trucks passing on Route 103.
Occasionally, the waxwings would land on the building roof. You might be able to spot some on the roof of the building in the photo above. It looked like they were feeding on something, but I could not tell what it was. If they were feeding, it was on tiny insects. Or maybe they were swallowing small stones to help digestion like loons do.
The waxwings paid several visits to the nearby Little Free Library in the harbor to feast on some small Eastern Redcedar growing there.
After about 40 minutes the waxwings flew across the street. I followed them behind the small shopping center and took a few photos. But they didn’t stay long. They headed back across the street, and I lost them.
As I was about to leave, I noticed they had returned to some small trees very near my car, half way to the caboose from the earlier spot. I was able to photograph them for a brief time, using the open door of my car as a blind, before they soon departed to parts unknown.
The entire time I was photographing the waxwings, they appeared to be oblivious to my presence. I tried to move slowly and not approach them and that worked out fine.
It was a great way to spend a sunny hour in March.