Pine Grosbeaks in New London

A recent trip to New London failed to turn up any Bohemian Waxwings, but I did find a rarer species, at least for me, Pine Grosbeaks. 

This has been a good year for winter visitors from the north, mainly finch and waxwings.  So far this year I have found some waxwings but not Evening Grosbeaks. I did photograph Evening Grosbeaks in 2012 and 2014. And in 2016, I photographed a large flock of Bohemian Waxwings in New London. My most recent encounter with Pine Grosbeaks was in 2012 during a full weekend of birding.

The flock of Pine Grosbeaks I encountered in New London seemed to be over 90% female. Here are the acrobatic females.


I also got some photos of the few colorful males that worked the small crabapple tree.


It was a good morning, even without the waxwings.

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