Deer Up Close

Yesterday afternoon shortly after I returned from a hike, I looked out my glassed studio door and was shocked to see a deer staring at me from 4-5 yards away. Actually I don’t think she could see me through the glass. I grabbed my camera and started shooting. The photo to the right was taken at a focal length of 250mm and is not cropped.

The deer moved around for almost 4 minutes trying to find the tastiest morsels. Then it slowly ambled away. Below are a few of the photos I took.

Photographing through even-less-than clean glass works very well. Just have your lens as close to the glass as possible. The limited depth of field will hide dirt on the glass. You can CLICK HERE to read something I wrote on this subject.

Early this morning I spotted eight deer within 5 miles of my home — three were fawns.

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