Many people love photographing old barns, covered bridges, and churches. Although I rarely go out of my way to photographing these subjects – preferring people, nature, and wildlife – I will certainly take a photo if one jumps in front of my camera.
One church I did travel for is the North Wilmot Church, in the middle of nowhere and rarely used – or so it seems. I was hiking with a companion over beautiful Bog Mountain in snowshoes. He asked if I had ever been to the North Wilmot Church. I couldn’t recall that I had seen it. So I made a point of visiting it the next week. I’m glad I did. It is a beautiful church, and I reached it on a nearly perfect winter day. This photo was used on a magazine cover.

I’ve been fortunate to have quite a few of my images used on magazine covers. Here are two tips for those who would like to get their photos on a cover. Shoot vertical and leave some “quiet” space at the top for the name of the magazine. See how easy it is. Of course not all publications need a vertical image, but many photographers seem to mainly shoot horizontals. As I tell my photo students, the best time to shoot a vertical is immediately after you take a horizontal photo. Then you have both.
This summer I hiked from North Wilmot to a small peak in Danbury named Eagles Nest. Since I knew we started the hike near the church, after the hike I drove the half mile to revisit it. Here is how it looks in summer.

The North Wilmot Church is located at the intersection of North Wilmot Road, Piper Pond Road, Tewksbury Road, and Breezy Hill Road. We like a lot of names in New Hampshire. See the map here or search Google.
If you want detailed directions to North Wilmot, they are given in the second and fourth paragraphs of this article on this wonderful and seldom visited part of New Hampshire.
On the way to the North Wilmot Church you can stop and photograph the much more active First Congregational Church of Wilmot with its old carriage sheds in the small but charming village of North Wilmot. This church stands at the end of a row of white buildings that are classic New England. Left to right below — town hall, library, and church. You can see the old horse sheds between the library and church.

And here is a photo of the First Congregational Church of Wilmot with just a piece of the horse sheds showing at the far left.

If you would like to read a bit about the history of these churches, HERE is something written by friend and photo student Kim Gifford.