More Hummingbird Moth Photos

Jann and I discovered a pair of hummingbird moths in a New London garden a week ago.  We were passing nearby a few days later, so we decided to check out the garden again.  Sure enough a hummingbird moth was working the bee balm. I was with the moth for seven minutes this time.

Here is a sequence of photos showing the moth approaching the flower with its proboscis curled and then extending it to drink the nectar.


Here is a sequence of photos showing the moth well into the flower then backing out and curling its proboscis. The time span from the first to the fourth photo is 0.3 sec.  These guys move fast.


Here are a few more photos of this amazing insect from my second visit to this garden. In one you can barely see the wings.  This gives a feeling for how it look with the naked eye.


For those who care,  the images on this page were shot at 1/2000 sec. at f/5/6 or f/8.

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