Trask and Paradise Roads

Trask Road, Sanctuary Farm, and Mount Sunapee


Trask and Paradise Roads are a one-mile continuous road that changes names from Sunapee to Newport.  Enter from Route 103 in Wendell (Sunapee) near Sanctuary Dairy Farm — a great place for ice cream.  The Newport end has a closed bridge. Trask is also known as Trask Brook Road.  Here is Trask Brook from the bridge near where I normally park. Watch out for poison ivy; there is a lot of it here.

Trask Brook


I have found many species of birds right near this first bridge and most of the way to the closed bridge over the Sugar River.

American Kestrel


American Redstart


American Robin


Black-and-White Warbler


Black-and-White Warbler


Black-and-White Warbler




Cedar Waxwing with web


Cedar Waxwing prenuptial feeding


Cedar Waxwing


Cedar Waxwing


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Common Yellowthroat


Common Yellowthroat with crab spider


Common Yellowthroat with insect


Eastern Phoebe


European Starlings


Gray Catbird


House Wren


House Wren




Northern Parula


Northern Parula


Northern Parula


Northern Waterthrush


Northern Waterthrush




Ruby-throated Hummingbird


Song Sparrow






Yellow Warbler


Yellow Warbler


Yellow Warbler
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