Reeds Marsh

Reeds Marsh in Orford is a small area at the end of a short road down from Rt. 10 south of the town.  You can bring a kayak if you want to see more. 

After visiting Reeds Marsh you can drive north carefully scanning the often-flooded fields to the west and then turn into the Orford Boat Launch area.  The photos here come from all three spots.

Two Greater Yellowlegs
with Glossy Ibis


Wood Duck
with Canada Geese


Ring-necked Duck
with two Common Merganser


Red-tailed Hawk pair


Northern Flicker


Belted Kingfisher


Glossy Ibis


Hooded Merganser pair


Hooded Merganser flying


Great Egret


Bald Eagles at nest


Bald Eagle


Common Yellowthroat


Common Merganser


American Redstart
First Summer Male


American Redstart
First Summer Male


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