Occom Pond
Occom Pond
Jann and I do the 1.5-mile walk around Occom Pond in Hanover, NH many times a year.  It is great in all seasons.  I always carry a camera, and occasionally I carry one with a long lens.  You can find Occom Pond north of downtown Hanover.  Take Rope Ferry Road and park near the old golf course.
Occom Pond


We don’t normally go to Occom Pond for birds, but here are some of the species I have photographed in the Occom Pond area.

American Robin


Bohemian Waxwing


Brown Creeper


Cedar Waxwings


European Starling


Gray Catbird




Northern Cardinal


Piliated Woodpecker


Pine Grosbeak


Wood Ducks on Occom Pond
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