Northern Rail Trail

This bird site is along the Northern Rail Trail in Lebanon and Enfield.  Access points are off Route 4 at Ice House Road in Lebanon and Johnston Drive in Enfield just over the border from Lebanon.  You can park at the end of each short road.  The rail trail goes along Lake Mascoma and past two ponds that can have herons, ducks, and painted and snapping turtles.  The best birding extends from the bridge over the Mascoma River west of Ice House Road to the pond east of Johnston Park.

This area is close to where we live, so I have taken many photos here.  The regulars include American Redstarts, Yellow Warblers, Warbling Vireos, Baltimore Orioles, Common Grackles, and Gray Catbirds.

American Redstart


American Redstart


American Redstart in nest


Black-and-White Warbler


Blackburnian Warbler


Black-throated Green Warbler in November


Canada Warbler


Canada Warbler


Cape May Warbler


Cape May Warbler


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Common Yellowthroat


Magnolia Warbler


Nashville Warbler


Palm Warbler


Wilson’s Warbler


Wilson’s Warbler


Yellow Warblers are so prevalent that it is hard not to include many photos of this beautiful species.

Yellow Warbler


Yellow Warbler


Yellow Warbler in nest


Yellow Warbler


Yellow Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler


American Crow


American Goldfinch


American Robin


American Robin


Bald Eagle pair


Bald Eagle


Baltimore Oriole


Baltimore Oriole


Baltimore Oriole at nest


Black-capped Chickadee


Blue-headed Vireo


Broad-winged Hawk


Canada Goose


Northern Cardinal


Carolina Wren


Cedar Waxwing


Chipping Sparrow


A “black” bird I find very beautiful in the right light is the Common Grackle.

Common Grackle with insect


Common Grackle pair


Common Grackle


Common Grackle


The rail trail borders the northwest part of Lake Mascoma and sometime the Common Loons venture very close.

Common Loon with Chick


Common Loons feeding Chick


Common Loons feeding Chick


Common Loon carrying Chick


Common Merganser


Common Merganser


Dark-eyed Junco


Eastern Kingbird


Eastern Kingbird


Eastern Phoebe


Eastern Phoebe


Gray Catbird


Gray Catbird pair


Gray Catbird


Great Blue Heron


Green-winged Teal pair


Hermit Thrush in mid-April snow


Hooded Merganser


House Wren


Least Flycatcher




Pine Siskin


Red-eyed Vireo


Red-tailed Hawk


Red-winged Blackbird


Red-winged Blackbird
First Summer Male


Rose-breasted Grosbeak


Ruby-crowned Kinglet


Tufted Titmouse




Turkey Vulture






Warbling Vireo feeding


Warbling Vireo


White-breasted Nuthatch


White-crowned Sparrow


White-throated Sparrow


White-throated Sparrow


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker


Such a great place to bird.

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