Mill Pond

High up on Moose Mountain in Etna is the Mill Pond Forest, permanently protected by Kay and Peter Shumway through a conservation easement  to the Hanover Conservancy.

The Mill Pond Forest includes the north shore of Mill Pond, Hanover’s highest water body and the primary headwaters of Mink Brook.

To get there take Ruddsboro Road to Old Dana Road then take the first right up Moose Mountain Road.  There is a small parking area at the top.  Walk up the tower road a short distance past the barrier and then turn right to the pond.  The walk along the dam to Kay’s Bench and the area on the west side of the pond are the best spots for birding.  This area is especially good during migration.

Kay’s Bench at Mill Pond


The photos here were taken in late April, the end of September, and early October.

Blue-headed Vireo


Common Yellowthroat


Dark-eyed Junco


Hermit Thrush


Ruby-crowned Kinglet


Ruby-crowned Kinglet


Lincolns Sparrow


Palm Warbler in April


Palm Warbler in October


Red-breasted Nuthatch


Red-eyed Vireo


Song Sparrow


Swamp Sparrow


White-crowned Sparrow


White-crowned Sparrow
First Winter


White-throated Sparrow


Winter Wren


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler in October
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