Hayes Farm Park

Park at the Hanover Town Library, aka the Etna Library, along Etna Road just north of Downtown Metropolitan Etna and walk up the obvious path.  You will be in Hayes Farm Park heading to the King Bird Sanctuary and, if you continue to the west, the very interesting Trescott Wetlands.

Eastern Bluebird in mid-April Snow


If you go early to mid-June you will find many beautiful trees in bloom.

Looking back from the King Bird Sanctuary is this view.

Here is a mid-May 2019 bird walk in the King Bird Sanctuary lead by David Merker wearing the green vest.

From the King Bird Sanctuary, there is a trail down to and through the Trescott Wetland — a wonderful red maple – black ash swamp shown below.

Since this spot is close to home, I have taken many photo there over the years.  Here are some of them.

Black-and-White Warbler


Black-capped Chickadee with caterpillar


Black-throated Green Warbler with caterpillar


Black-throated Green Warbler


Black-throated Green Warbler


Black-throated Green Warbler


Blackburnian Warbler


Blackburnian Warbler


Blackburnian Warbler


Broad-winged Hawk


Brown Creeper


Cedar Waxwings mid-April


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Chipping Sparrow


Common Yellowthroat


Common Yellowthroat


Common Yellowthroat with crab spider


Eastern Bluebird


Gray Catbird


Hermit Thrush


House Wren


House Wren


Indigo Bunting


Least Flycatcher


Least Flycatcher


Magnolia Warbler


Nashville Warbler


Nashville Warbler


Northern Cardinal




Ruby-crowned Kinglet


Ruby-throated Hummingbird


Song Sparrow


Tree Swallow


Wilson’s Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler
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