Foley Park Area

View from Foley Park


Foley Park is in Norwich just across the Ledyard Bridge from Hanover.  There are two nearby parking lots available to the public on weekends.   There is a walkway under the bridge. 

Birding at Foley Park


Connecticut River at low water 


This site includes the RR Tracks that run south from the park and the area around the parking lots.  Coming back to your car along the tracks makes a nice loop.

RR Tracks near Foley Park


American Crow


American Redstart


American Redstart


Baltimore Oriole


Baltimore Oriole


Belted Kingfisher


Black-throated Green Warbler


Chipping Sparrow


Common Grackle


Double-crested Cormorants


Double-crested Cormorant


Eastern Phoebe


Gray Catbird


Hooded Merganser with crayfish


Northern Parula


Northern Parula


Northern Parula


Orchard Oriole


Ruby-crowned Kinglet


Song Sparrow


Vesper Sparrow


Wood Ducks


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker


Yellow Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler
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