Bedell Bridge State Park

Bedell Bridge State Park in Haverhill, NH has one of the prime floodplain forests in NH. Take a left just past the village before you get to Rt. 25 north of the center of Haverhill.  You can spot birds in the wetlands along the road if you enter slowly. 

There are several trails to explore from the parking area.

Here are some of the birds you might find in this wonderful, infrequently-visited state park without an entrance fee. 

American Redstart


American Redstart
First Summer Male


Baltimore Oriole


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Common Grackle


Common Grackle in nest


Common Yellowthroat


Green Heron


Mourning Doves


Northern Waterthrush


Palm Warbler


Red-bellied Woodpecker


Red-winged Blackbird
First Year Male


Song Sparrow
with Devil’s Darning Needles




Veery with insect


Warbling Vireo


White-breasted Nuthatch


White-crowned Sparrow


Wood Ducks


Wood Ducks flying


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-throated Vireo
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