This is the beginning of a page that will have photos linked to different topics and locations throughout the state of Maine.  You can click on the image or words to get to the respective pages.


Monhegan Island 2018

A four-day stay with the good folks from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies was an eye-opening experience revealing the beauty and bird life of the island.


Monhegan Island 2019

A second trip to Monhegan with the Vermont Center for Ecostudies was as exciting as the first. Wonderful weather, birds, and butterflies greeted an enthusiastic group.

Monhegan Island 2023

My fourth visit to Monhegan lasted a full five days. I photographed many birds, as well as butterflies, plants, scenes, and more.  A great trip. 

  Sears Island

The largest uninhabited island reachable by car on the east coast is rarely visited.  Most people heading Downeast drive right by it. But it has special attractions for those who like to hike, bike, and enjoy nature in relative solitude.

Appledore Island

In Maine but off the coast of NH, this is a great place for birds during spring and fall migration.

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