Campbell Flat

Campbell Flat in Norwich can be filled with birds or fairly quiet.  In spring one might find wood ducks in the flooded fields.  Nesting Kestrels are common.   Campbell Flat has been visited by rarities such as a Little Blue Heron and a Western Kingbird.

Campbell Flat


I normally combine Campbell Flat with a visit to Pompy Oxbow, Kendal Station, and/or Old Bridge Road, all close by in Norwich.  Find it along Route 132 less than a mile from Route 5.

Pompy at Campbell Flat


You are welcome to walk around the cornfield.

Campbell Flat


There is a small area to the left as you descend the hill on the road. It is worth checking out, in addition to the sometimes-flooded fields and the corn field.

Campbell Flat


Over the years I have seen many species here.

American Bittern


American Goldfinch


American Kestrel


American Robin


Baltimore Oriole


Black-billed Cuckoo


Black-throated Green Warbler


Blue-headed Vireo


Blue-winged Teal




Brown Creeper


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Common Snipe


Common Yellowthroat


Downy Woodpecker


Eastern Bluebird juvenile


Eastern Bluebird


Eastern Kingbird


Eastern Kingbird


Eastern Phoebe


Gray Catbird


Green Heron


Hooded Merganser


Hooded Merganser


House Wren


Indigo Bunting


Least Flycatcher


Lesser Yellowlegs


Lincoln’s Sparrow


Little Blue Heron


Magnolia Warbler




Merlin with robin




Olive-sided Flycatcher




Palm Warbler


Philadelphia Vireo


Red-eyed Vireo


Red-winged Blackbird


Red-winged Blackbird


Ruby-crowned Kinglet


Rusty Blackbird


Savannah Sparrow


Scarlet Tanager


Solitary Sandpiper


Song Sparrow


Swamp Sparrow


Tennessee Warbler


Tree Swallows


Turkey Vulture


Warbling Vireo


Western Kingbird


White-breasted Nuthatch


White-crowned Sparrow


White-throated Sparrow


Wilson’s Warbler


Wood Duck Pair


Wood Ducks Mating


Yellow Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-throated Vireo with Insect



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